Valley Youth Group Mid-Autumn Festival Fundraiser Proposal Target Date: Oct 3nd, 2020 (Saturday, 7pm )
Raise money to be donated to first responders such as police officers and firefighters.
Bring the whole community together to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival.
Time: TBD (late September or early October around Mid-Autumn Festival 2020)
How Money Would Be Raised: Currently we plan on having a live performance through zoom and an online art gallery.
The performance would include musical acts such as playing a musical instrument or singing.
The art gallery would include pictures of art created by those taking part in this fundraiser, which will be posted on a website or google photos (still to be determined).
Everyone is allowed to attend both events for free but are encouraged to donate to the fundraiser
Suggested donating theme: I want to buy a cup of coffee for firefighters ($5)!
People needed:
- Organizers/recruiters
- Performers
- Artists
- Spectators